Monday, August 16, 2010

Pre-orders for MetaGame in Barns and Noble and Borders!

Wow, Barns and Noble and Borders each pre-ordered 400 paperbacks of MetaGame. 800 right there, baby! Noice (that's Australian for "nice").

I totally assumed that B&N and Borders would give AmazonEncore the finger when asked to order books *published by*, their hated enemy. But they were bigger than that.

And now I can walk into a brick-n-mortar bookstore and see my book. Check that dream-come-true off the list. Really noice.


  1. Just finished this book. Well done sir.

  2. Just finished Metagame and loved it, pace was perfect and, some of the thoughts were beautifully crafted and original, well done and thanks for giving me a few hours of enjoyment and would honestly love another one in this world!!

  3. Just finished the book. Excellent! I loved it. I recently self-published two devotionals. Wow, what a lot of work! I respect what you have done. Can't believe you haven't had a publisher or two knock on your door.

    I didn't see the ending coming at all. Really surprised me, yet seemed like the right way to finish the story. I hope you keep writing!

  4. Sam you are a genius to say the very least.
